Vacancies: Dialysis Machine Nurse, Occupational Therapist, ECG/EEG Technician
Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates to fill the positions below at Jos University Teaching Hospital.
Position: Dialysis Machine Nurse
- Applicant must possess RN, RM plus certificate in Dialysis Machine maintenance with at least two years cognate experience.
Salary: CONHESS 7/2 i.e N981,712.00 per annum.
Position: Occupational Therapist
- Candidates must possess B.Sc or HND in Occupational Therapy and NYSC discharges or exemption certificate.
Salary: CONHESS7/2 i.e N981,712.00 per annum.
Position: ECG/EEG Technician
- Candidate must possess B.Sc/HND in Biomedical Engineering and NYSC discharge or exemption certificate is required.
Salary: CONHESS 7/2 i.e N981,712.00 per annum
Method of Application
Interested candidates are to forward three (3) copies of their application along with photocopies of their credentials and detailed curriculum vitae highlighting the following
a. full name
b. Place and date of birth
c. Home address
d. Contact address
e. Nationality
f. Marital status
g. Number and ages of children (If any)
h. Institutions attended with dates
i. Academic qualifications obtained with dates
j. Working experience
k. Present employment, indicating present status and salary
I. Extra curricular activities
m. Referees (3), to:
The Director of Administration
Jos University Teaching Hospital
Candidates are requested to inform their referees to send confidential reports on them directly to the Director of Administration.
All applications must be received on or before the 15th April, 2011. Only shortlisted candidates shall be invited for interview.