Consultants at Targeted States High Impact Project (TSHIP)

We require suitable candidates to fill the position below

Position: Consultants

Location: USAID-TSHIP Project, Bauchi

A.      Background

TSHIP is a five year protect funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented in Bauchi and Sokoto States TSHIP will achieve its objective of increased use of high impact interventions through a tri-focus approach as follows:

  • Active engagement of an empowered community with the health sector through partnerships with community organizations.
  • Ensuring quality integrated MCH/FP/RH services at the PHC and maternity sites in both states
  • Well functioning health systems at both the state and local government authority (LGA) levels for health planning, funding, logistics for health commodities, and management functions such as human resource development, supportive supervision, coordination with donors and partners, monitoring, evaluation and use of information for decision- making.


This approach is supported by technical and material inputs from TSHIP including capacity building for health workers, government agencies, and community institutions, mass media and Behavior Change Communications (BCC) materials, implementation of evidence based policies and procedures, appropriate commodities and equipment, collaboration with other donors and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) including leveraging of funds, and sustainable improvements in planning at both the state and LGA levels.


B.      Purpose of the Assignment

To create a comprehensive database that will provides information on all TSHIP indicators and other indicators relevant to TSHIP programme managers or sub-

objective teams. The database system will be based on routine clinical records (HMIS), activity reports supportive supervision checklist and special studies /surveys.


C.      Project Goal

A consultancy is needed from a qualified consultant to set up a modern, integrated database that is flexible, user-friendly and able, to handle all necessary data sources, including the non routine information system (surveys) and supportive supervision data. It is preferred that the database developed will be able to interface with similar State / LGA databases (DVDMT, DHSI etc). The database is intended for use in the two states (Bauchi and Sokoto), it is expected the consultant will gather requirements for both states and develop a database that can be housed within TSHIP project website and accessible through the web.


D.      Specific objectives

Phase I

1.       Review current databases and identify strengths and weaknesses.

2.       Interview stakeholders; develop user requirements and functional requirements for the proposed database.

3.       Develop mock up of proposed application along with screen shots and report layouts. For samples of expected mock ups, please browse through the following URL links (most of the link and burtons are clickable in these mock ups. Please ignore the warning related to https site and proceed any way)


4.       Provide a demo walk-through of the mock up application to M&E and SO teams, solicit feedback, explain design considerations and technical constraints, and steer the discussion towards a consensus position.

Phase II

5.       Develop the proposed application, using the agreed upon mock up as the guide.

6.       Provide work-in-progress demo of proto-type application

7.       Integrate available data from routine, semi permanent and survey sources into new database.

8.       Pilot the application in the two state field offices.

9.       Develop deployment guide so that the developed application can be deployed to TSHIP intranet website.

10.     Train the M&E team and the IT officer on how to use the database

11.     Develop an end User Guide/Instructional manual that provide step-by step instructions for Users and managerial and administrative requirements to maintain the database.

12.     Provide, complete technical documentation for the developed application, including close out materials like programming source code and all source materials used to develop the application.


E.      System Specification

At a minimum, the database system should have the following features:

1.       Pre-specified users, user roles, and secure log in with a login ID and password

2.       The application should allow a list of indicators to be defined. These indicators should be identified during interview of stakeholders

3.      The application should allow background data (e.g., indicator groups, types reporting periods, program areas, etc.) to be maintained.

4.       Data entry/Online form: Login user should be able to find menu choice/dash board applicable for their role and enter/update/delete data entry entered at the end of the reporting period.

5.       indicator tracking can be in the form of numeric targets and/or narrative program objectives and actual outcomes. The users should be able to submit their narrative outcomes and upload supporting word file, Excel sheet or other files to the website

6.       Review and Approval: The application should allow basic form of review and approval of user submissions through online forms Users with  Reviewer rights should be able to review and approve submissions. The application should track stages of review and approvals process and record reviewer comments.

7.       Automated report features: The application should have set of online reports, grouped by nature of the reports and visible to applicable roles. The reports preferably should allow PDF and/or Excel outputs.

8.       Security: The database must be secured


F.      Technical /Platform Specification

In order for the database to be housed and co-locate with the TSHIP intranet website, the application should be developed in following platform

  • MySQL database 5-X +


  • Php 5.2X+


G.      Deliverables and Expected Timeline


Following deliverables are expected from the consultants:

Activity /Task Description Deliverables Timeline
Phase I
Conduct User Requirement Gathering Working with the M&E team develop a list of stakeholders paper documents to review: develop a schedule of group and in-person meeting schedules: conduct meetings and gather user requirements related to indicators to track types of data to collect, periodicity of indicator reporting, and whether to record indicators by targets and actual -List of Stakeholders

– list of database reviewed

-Minutes of meetings conducted.


Analyze and prioritize User requirements Analyze gathered user requirements: prioritize the user requirements: if required break-up user requirements into release 1 and release 2 database targets. -Prioritized user requirements
Mock up of proposed application Develop mock up of application (samples provided) -Interactive or static mock up of the proposed application including menu, forms and report layouts
Walk –through of mock up Provide a demo of the proposed application in mock up form to M&E group -Provide Demo of mock up

-Provide a summary of M&E group’s feedback

Phase II
Develop the application Program the application in the experience platform -Work-in-progress demo of the application
Pilot the application Pilot the application in two state field offices -Pilot plan and outcomes of piloting
Train users Train M&E and IT users -Number of trainings provided and participant list
Provide documentation Document the application -User Guide

-Deployment guide

-Technical document

-Programming source code and other source materials


Required qualification/experiences

  • Applicant should have acquired skills and experience in designing, programming and manipulating electronic data bases NHMIS Software/DHIS, EPI info, MS Access, mySQL database, apache server, php and related
  • Applicant should hav

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