
Jobs in Nigeria

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76 thoughts on “About

  1. i like this site and your different write-ups… but seems their is no place for religion or africans are no longer religious?

  2. Richard Daniel says:

    hello, can some one please tell me how do i get my pub id cause i have registered with Google for my ad sense account but yet to receive my pub id as each time i attempt lo-gin in i’m told that my account is still under review. This is taking too long as this account was opened last week & am yet to submit my pub id

  3. please help me send job vacancy to my email
    Thank you

  4. Yusuf dasola bolatumi says:

    Dis site is 1derful & encouraging, please keep it up & wash d favour of God flowing.

  5. does anyone know if friesian campina(peak milk) has started calling for interview for the animal science extension officer position it advertised earlier this month?

  6. Good work here, pls try to post more academic vacancies

  7. i need an employment

  8. There is a etate develop firm that are recruiting the following position state manager ,site supervisor,interior decorator,land and quantity survey but their website can not find how do i apply in the company because am qualify kindly assist me by link me with them

  9. emmanuel osilama says:

    pls do assist in sending me any job vacancies in kano &p/harcourt. Thanks

  10. Ntarh Abel E. says:

    U geys are great!!?wow!! what a 1derful site ,keep it up.God bless u are.


    pls help me send job vacancies on my E-mail box
    Thank u my qualification BSC MANAGEMENT

  12. Akujobi Francis says:

    U guys are doing a great work………. pls do send me a job notice on my e-mail

  13. i want to know if ndlea has started calling people that they interview

  14. i need a media job,if possible in a radio house in lagos

  15. I want to commend the team doing this great work. But i will like to find out whether there are scholarships available for some one who wants to study flying,I mean to become a pilot?

  16. Hi, I would like to thank the creator(s) of this timeless site. Thanks a million for the good work. However, I would need your email address to communicate on business grounds. Thanks.

  17. Though this blog we can get more benefits.. Keep up this work.. Thanks for your effort..

  18. This place is good to be. Pls I need a job in any confectionery food company or in a Fast food company as am well versed on Cakes and bakeries. Please should be in Lagos.

  19. please l am computer engineer but cannot find job please help me out if you can

  20. please help me if you can! l am a computer
    engineer bt am looking for a job

    contact me on 07036105674

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