We require suitable qualified candidates to fill the position below
Position: Consultant (Community-Directed Intervention/Patent Medicine Vendor )
The Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN) has received a Credit from the International Development Association (IDA) towards the cost of Malaria Control Booster Project in the country, Jigawa State Government has signed a subsidiary Credit Agreement for this credit and intends to apply part of the credit to cover eligible payments for consulting services to support the implementation of Community Systems Strengthening (CSS) component in conducting primary health facility, community kindred, PM V, and community laboratory listing. The aim of this study is to collate comprehensive lists of all primary health care facilities, communities and kindred groups, patent medicine vendors and community laboratories in the state.
The consultant/Firm will report to the Jigawa State Malaria Control Booster Project Manager.
The consultant/Firm will carry out a listing activity which will form the basis for the implementation of the CSS component. This component comprises two service delivery models, namely: I) Community-Directed Intervention (CD1); and 2) Patent Medicine Vendor (PM V).
In order to plan for and implement these interventions, an accurate and up-to-date census/listing of the following across Jigawa State is required:
1. Primary Health Facilities (including Health Posts, Primary Health Clinics, and Primary Health Care Centres)
2. Communities/Villages and Kindred Groups
3. PMVs (both registered and unregistered)
4. Community Laboratories
The Jigawa State Malaria Control Booster Project will provide the consultant/Firm with GPS trackers, to be returned upon completion of work, and training in their use will be provided (as part of training for the listing in general). The following information will be collected:
1. Basic information on each primary health facility in Jigawa State, including type of facility, catchment area, and GPS coordinates.
2. Listing of all villages/communities in the catchment area of the health facility. Listing and approximate size of all kindreds living in each village.
3. Listing and GPS coordinates of all patent medicine vendors (both registered and unregistered) in Jigawa State.
4. Listing and GPS coordinates of all community laboratories in Jigawa State
Additional information, as detailed on the listing form provided alongside this Term of Reference (TOR), will also be recorded, It is estimated that each enumerator can carry out the listing for approximately two primary health care facilities, including associated communities/kindreds and surrounding PMVs, community laboratories and Community Drug Distribution (CDD)s in one day.
The full listing activity should be completed within one month. The consultant Firm should produce an Implementation Plan describing how the activity will be carried out. The World Bank will provide a Sample Control File template to facilitate the management of the activity. Additional inputs will be acquired from the Jigawa State PIU, PMV association(s), and Nigerian Pharmacy Council as detailed in the accompanying Manuals.
The consultant/Firm will enter all data collected during the listing activity into a purpose-built data entry program, to be developed in conjunction with the World Bank. The consultant/Firm will ensure the quality and integrity of all data collected. and provides a brief report describing the implementation of the listing activity in Jigawa State and describing key lessons learned, highlighting especially those with direct implications CDI and PMV interventions.
A full description of the consultant/Firm’s duties can be found in the Coordinator and
2. Outputs:
The consultant/Firm will provide soft and hard copies of the following outputs:
Census of Primary health facilities, including type catchment area, and GPS coordinates | May, 2011 |
Census of communities in the catchment area of each health facility | May, 2011 |
Census of kindred within each community, including approximate size |