Head Teacher at National Examinations Council (NECO)

Applications are herby invited from suitable qualified candidates from within and outside the National Examinations Council (NECO) for appointment into the NECO staff School

Position: Head Teacher


  • Applicants must possess a degree in Education with at least fifteen (15) years post qualification and cognate experience.
  • Possession of Masters degree/Ph.D in Education and Membership of professional body/ bodies will be added advantage.
  • Applicants must have completed NYSC or have Exemption Certificate.

Conditions of Service

Appointments into this position shall be permanent and pensionable. Conditions of services are similar to those obtained in the Federal Civil Service.

Method of Application

One copy of handwritten application should be forwarded together with five (5) photocopies of credentials and curriculum vitae (CV). The CV must include such details as name, date and place of birth, nationality, state of origin, local government, sex, marital status, number of children and ages, name and addresses of next-of-kin, permanent contact address, present position, salary grade level and step, educational background, schools attended with dates and certificates obtained, working experience, current schedule of duly, special honours (award), publications, hobbies, name and addresses of three (3) referees one of which must be applicant’s present employer or former head of department/ principal. Applications from persons in government service or public corporations should be submitted through their Heads of Department and must be accompanied by certified copies of confidential report for the past three (3) years. Candidates not in public service r public corporations must submit names and addresses of three(3) referees one of which must be the applicant’s present or last employer. Such referees should be asked by the applicants to write directly to the undersigned.

Only application of candidates shortlisted shall be acknowledged.

Applications should be properly  enveloped and marked


The Registrar/Chief Executive

National Examinations Council

Private Mail Bag 159

Minna, Niger State

Application with accompanying credentials must be received on or before 4th April, 2011.


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