Vice-Chancellor at Osun State University

Background Information

Notice is hereby given to the Nigerian and global academic community that the post of Vice-Chancellor of Osun State University shall become vacant on August 1, 2012. The Visitor to the University and Governor of the State of Osun, Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola, has directed that the process of appointment of a new Vice-Chancellor commences immediately. Applications are hereby invited from suitably qualified candidates to fill die distinguished position.


About Osun State University

Osun State University (UNIOSUN) was established by the Law of the Osun State House of Assembly in December 2006. The University commenced academic activities on 21 September 2007, simultaneously on permanent sites on its six campuses located in the six geopolitical zones of Osun State. The campuses are located in Osogbo (Main Campus). Ejigbo, Ifetedo, Ikire, Ipetu-Ijesa and Okuku.


UNIOSUN is a conventional comprehensive university offering programmes in the Liberal Arts, Agriculture, Basic and Applied Sciences, Environmental Studies, Engineering, Law, Education, Medical Sciences, and Management and the Social Sciences. Its academic activ­ities are carried out in seven Colleges, namely: College of Agriculture, Ejigbo Campus; College of Education, Ipetu-Ijesa Campus; College of Humanities and Culture, Ikire Campus: College of Law, Ifetedo Campus; College of Management and Social Sciences, Okuku Campus: College of Health Sciences, Main Campus, Osogbo; and, College of Science. Engineering and Technology, Main Campus, Osogbo. In addition, there are a num­ber of interdisciplinary academic centres including: Centre for Human Resource Development and Lifelong Learning. Centre for Climate Change and Environmental Research, Centre for Alternative Energy and Rural Technologies, the Centre for Pre-Degree Studies, and the newly inaugurated Postgraduate College. Other academic research centres and units are being planned as the University enters the second phase of its development, including the UNIOSUN Business School, Centre for Space Science and Technology and Centre for Applied Organization and Management Science.


Osun State University has the vision of becoming the biggest and the best University in Nigeria in the nearest future, and has the goal of developing into a world class institution of learning. Given its multi-campus nature and its rapid expansion in the short period of its exis­tence, the University offers unique challenges to its chief executive, who is expected to drive the vision of the institution’s founding fathers. The new Vice-Chancellor shall lead the University into its second phase of development including the implementation of its 2012 -2016 Strategic Plan. The University has a current undergraduate enrolment of over 6000 reflecting its age and NUC-approved carrying capacity.


Position:     Vice-Chancellor


The Vice-Chancellor

The Vice-Chancellor is the Chief Executive and academic head of the University. S/he shall be the chief exponent of the educational mission of the university and his/her office shall serve as the nerve centre of activities in areas of protocol, external relations and coordination of various internal organs. The Vice-Chancellor sees to the day-to-day administration of the university and he shall see that the goals of the university are met. S/he is responsible to the Governing Council for the management of the human, monetary and material resources of the university.


The Vice-Chancellor shall exercise general superintendence over the University and be responsible to Council for maintaining and promoting the efficiency and good order of the University. It is the duty of the Vice-Chancellor to see that the provisions of the law, the Statutes, the Ordinances and the Regulations of the University are observed, and he may exercise such powers as may be necessary or expedient for that purpose. The Vice-Chancellor must therefore be competent at all times to advise Council on any matter affecting the poli­cy, finance and administration of the University.


The Vice-Chancellor is, by virtue of his office, a member of Council, Chairman of Senate, Chairman of the Congregation, Member of Colleges/Facilities and any other authority of the University set up by Statute and of any Board or Committee appointed by any of those bod­ies.


The success of his job will depend on his ability to lead, motivate and inspire administrative associates, academic and non-academic staff as well as students and all other stakeholders to work toward the central purpose of the University to advance learning and enhance talent.


Tenure of Office/Terms of Appointment

The Vice-Chancellor shall hold office for a term of five (5) years, and shall not be eligible for re-appointment. His terms and conditions of service shall be embodied in a contract under the seal of the University. The remuneration and other conditions of service shall be as appli­cable to the post of Vice-Chancellor in Nigerian Federal Universities and as may be deter­mined by the Government of the State of Osun and Council of Osun State University from time to time.


The Candidate

The candidates for the post of Vice- Chancellor of Osun State University must be a distinguished scholar with outstanding academic and administrative records. He must be a proven manager of human and material resources. Specifically,

  • The person must possess a Doctorate Degree and be a full Professor of, normally, not less than Ten (10) years standing, with ability to provide academic and administrative leadership for the University community. However, candidates with substantial experience at the professorial level, who have held senior academic and administrative positions, sufficient to prepare him/her for the position of Vice-Chancellor, would be considered. Possess a proven track record of academic excellence such as to be able to command the respect of national and international academic communities and colleagues;
  • Possess a clear vision for the further development of the University and the realization of its vision, mission and strategic goals;
  • Have a demonstrable ability to establish and maintain partnerships with local, national and international governmental and non-governmental agencies and organizations;
  • Possess a proven and demonstrable ability to attract international research and develop­ment grants;
  • Exhibit entrepreneurial drive and ability to attract extra-statutory funds and mobilize other resources for the development of the University;
  • Possess personal integrity in the management of funds and be able to deploy financial resources as appropriate in the context of the University’s Strategic Plan, 2012 – 2016;
  • Demonstrate ability to attract, motivate and retain highly skilled and talented staff in all categories, teaching and non-teaching;
  • Demonstrate interpersonal and team building skills and possess the ability to build bridges between staff, students, other members of the university community and the university’s stakeholders including the State and Local Governments in Osun Demonstrate respectable level of ICT literacy;
  • Enjoy excellent physical and mental health.


Mode of Application:

Applications should:

Be submitted in thirty-five (35) copies and be accompanied by thirty-five (35) copies of the candidate’s curriculum vitae duly signed and dated. The curriculum vitae must include details of the candidate’s name in full, age, marital status, educational attainment, nationality, academic and professional achievements.

Include the names and addresses of three (3) referees. Each referee must be contacted by the applicant to forward, direct to the Registrar, a confidential report on the candidate’s character, academic and managerial competences, in a properly sealed envelope marked “Reference/Post of Vice-Chancellor” at the top left hand corner of the envelope.


Be accompanied by thirty-five (35) copies of the candidate’s Statement of Vision for the University for the next five years and beyond. The statement must not be longer than 5,000 words.


In the case of candidates identified by the Search Committee, the applications shall con­form to the requirements in 1 – 3 above, and in addition, the candidate shall present a Letter of Consent duly signed by him/her along with the application. All applications should be submitted under confidential cover and addressed to:


The Registrar and Secretary to Council

Osun State University

Oke Baale, P.M. B 4494

Osogbo, Osun State, 230001


Submission of Application/Deadline

The sealed envelope containing the application or nomination materials should be marked “Application/Post of Vice-Chancellor” at the top left hand cor­ner and forwarded to reach the Registrar and Secretary to Council on or before 28th June 2012. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.


Electronic Submission

The submission of the hard copy should be accompanies by full electronic submission of the application and accompanying materials to be mailed as attachment in PDF or MS Word format to: , the subject line should read. “Application for the Post of Vice-Chancellor”. Referees should be similarly encouraged to submit signed electronic copies of their references in PDF format to the same address.


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